If you manage or own a business building, the law requires you to keep everyone who visits it or works in it safe against hazards such as a fire. You may not know when a fire might strike next, but you should act fast to rescue the victims. If you don't have a team trained to handle fire hazards when they arise, you may not know how to save the lives of your employees, visitors or clients in your commercial building. Installing fire alarm systems and extinguishers is a good thing, but here's one more critical thing you must do: train some of your employees to be competent fire wardens!
Are the Fire Safety Courses Worth It?
If a fire strikes in your commercial building or office, you must evacuate everybody and ensure none of them sustains or succumbs to burns or injuries. The evacuation process shouldn't just be quick but also efficient and organised. However, this may not be possible if you don't have a team that has been trained to extinguish the fire and evacuate the vulnerable persons. If your employees haven't been trained to be fire wardens, they might not know how to combat the fire, save other lives and protect property damage. They may also not know the actions to take when the fire alarm sounds. However, if they have received professional training, they would know the immediate response to make when a fire strikes and how to handle the feelings of those affected.
What Courses Will the Employees Take?
Although classroom-based lessons are critical for every fire safety trainee, they can't become expert fire wardens without some practical sessions. The fire wardens-to-be are trained to handle different fire breakouts and also how to use advanced fire equipment and act during an emergency. They also learn how the fire 'grows', what makes it worse and which equipment and tools to use when combating the fire. Furthermore, the training would help your employees know how to handle fear when the fire strikes, get the disabled individuals out of danger and identify the safest exits during an emergency.
What Value Would the Trained Fire Wardens Add?
Having trained fire wardens in your workplace doesn't exempt you from fire risks, but it helps minimise the damage and losses that would happen when a fire breaks out. Besides knowing the safety procedures to use, trained fire wardens also outline the framework and structure to follow to save lives and bring the fire down. When conducting your usual fire assessments, the trained fire wardens would help you do it professionally. The fire wardens would help you maintain all your fire safety equipment and systems in good condition. They would also share safety information with the other employees, position all fire signage strategically and ensure the fire escape routes aren't obstructed.
Contact a provider of fire warden training for more information.