Asbestos was used in various parts of houses for decades, and it exists within many structures today. Here are some pointers if you need this dangerous substance taken out of your home.
Places Where Asbestos Is Commonly Found
You may wonder if asbestos is in your home and where it might be found. In the past, it was used in various ways. For example, asbestos is found in some roofing and cladding products for external and internal walls. It's also in old flooring materials, and it can be found on the underside of vinyl tiles and carpet underlay. Sometimes asbestos was used in loose-fill insulation.
Class A Asbestos Removal Licence
When you hire a contractor, make sure they have the appropriate licence to remove the asbestos. If the fibres get into the air, they are a danger to everyone in the house. Thus, it's crucial to hire an expert who knows what they're doing and follows the regulations.
There are two asbestos removal licences. A contractor with a class A licence is authorised to remove friable and non-friable asbestos. Friable asbestos, which is in a crumbly or dusty form, is the most dangerous, as the fibres can more easily become airborne, where they can be breathed in. A contractor with a class A licence will use appropriate methods to prevent this from happening. They can deal with any type of asbestos in a house.
Class B Asbestos Removal Licence
An asbestos removal contractor may alternatively have a class B or restricted licence, which allows them to remove only non-friable asbestos. This form is less hazardous as it is within a bonded surface, such as hard panels, and thus it's less likely that the fibres will become airborne. These products, however, are dangerous if they're cut or drilled.
You will need to check the regulations in your state, but in some cases, a non-licensed person may be allowed to remove a small amount of non-friable asbestos. However, it's always better to get an expert because asbestos can be deadly and needs careful handling.
Asbestos Clearance Certificate
After asbestos has been removed, an inspection must be undertaken by a licensed assessor. They will visually inspect the house and verify that the removal has been a success, and they may also test the air with specialised equipment. If everything is satisfactory, they issue an asbestos clearance certificate.
For more information about asbestos removal, contact a local company.